I am still sitting here wondering tonight,,,who makes the rules we live this life by anyway? When I got married my mother told me that to train your spouse, because they will only get away with what you let them. So, I have always tried to live by those rules. I know my kids must have thought they were constantly nagged,,,
If your going to dirty a dish,,wash it,,or at least put it in the dishwasher.
If you use the toilet, flush the toilet. (trust me,,,my kids only had to be taught once,,and they havent eaten blueberry muffins since :)
If you get something out, put it away or throw it away.
Never go to bed with dirty dishes, the floors dirty, or the laundry done. And always make sure your bed is made and your clothes aren't wrinkled before you go anywhere.
So what have I taught my family?
I think my kids really have a faily good knack on the rules of life,,at least in my world.
But there is this man I have lived with for 26 years,,,and tonight I had been goofing around and was not caught up with what normally is done by 10:00 pm. I went to the washer to throw a batch of laundry in,,and noticed that he was, laying on the bed in a spare bedroom. Without turning the light on,,I just quietly said,,,what are you doing, sleeping in here? His reply,,,"our bed wasn't made".
Oh, my,,what have I done!! I had taken the sheets off to wash them and then got running around and didn't put the clean ones on. As I was finishing making our bed, then I hear him come in the room. It dawned on me,,are his arms broken?
So,,the conversation goes...
I ask,,why didn't you make the bed yourself?
He said,,,I don't need to, I know you always will.
I ask,,,who made the rules?
He said..you did. You always make the bed.
So why cant he make the bed?
Because he said,,,I take the garbage out.
So, I do all the dishes.
and the arguement continued.
He mows the lawn,
I do the laundry.
He says I wear most of the clothes anyway.
I cook the meals.
He feeds the dog.
This could go on all day. But, I realized he is right. In the end,,it would bother me and I would never get into an unmade bed. So,,he just has to wait for me to do it. He has us all trained.
Even our dog knows the rules of his world. She knows to never get on his bed,,but she will pick any other bed in the house that is made. She never has any indoor accidents, she hardly ever barks! But then again,,,he did train her with his stun gun. Best dog we have ever had......maybe I better find that stun gun and change the rules around here!