Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Don't remind me!! I know I am old!

Okay, so yes, I did reach a major milestone in my life. I am now actually 50 years old. Since I cannot change the fact that I have no control over this aging process, do I have to like it? Because although I have a tendency to be an optimist, I truly do not like being 50 years old! I tell myself that it is just a number. But it's a big number! If this year had been just a bit easier, maybe the number wouldn't actually bother me so much. Despite any challenges the year brings, I still vow not to let the ugly number be a down side to life. I will be honest and say that I do want to do more for myself to be healthy and positive. I am certain I will pay more attention to my wrinkles and try to eat healthier. But I say that every year with my New Years Resolutions, too!

I think I will just make myself repeat daily, " I am 50, and I am fabulous!"

Is it working?? Am I fabulous yet?Share/Save/Bookmark


  1. Oh course you're fabulous! Plus you don't look your age at ALL!

  2. totally fabulous!!
    Happy Birthday!
    We are celebrating that same number for Kelly in a few weeks!
